Terri Weston
Psychic · Numerologist·
Intuitive Development Instructor
Intuitive Development Instructor
Navigate Life with Greater Clarity & Confidence
📞630-277-7758 ・📧 [email protected]
In a prior post, I addressed the underline numeric energies of your home. You learned how those vibrations can impact you, as well as tips for adjusting the vibration of your private space for energetically encouraging the creation of the life you want.
Similarly, you can apply numerology to choosing the most favorable phone number for you.
If you live in Illinois like me… or even other parts of the country or world for that matter… the stay-at-home orders have been extended. However, as much as we look forward to when our communities can start opening safely, many of us (including myself ) both look forward to and fear when that day comes. How to ready ourselves for the new normal?
It’s an understatement to say that our lives have changed during this COVID-19 pandemic. No longer is running a simple errand so simple. Even the 5-second rule (when you drop food on the floor) is a thing of the past.
Have you ever felt at odds with yourself between your internal priorities and your external actions? Have you ever said yes when your heart and head wanted to say no to avoid conflict? Have you ever accepted an invitation or request from a boss, a colleague, or particularly a family member for fear of the possible drama that could in-sue? Yeah, me too.
Psychic, Numerologist, & Psychic Development Instructor