Terri Weston
Psychic · Numerologist·
Intuitive Development Instructor
Intuitive Development Instructor
Navigate Life with Greater Clarity & Confidence
📞630-277-7758 ・📧 [email protected]
Have you ever felt at odds with yourself between your internal priorities and your external actions? Have you ever said yes when your heart and head wanted to say no to avoid conflict? Have you ever accepted an invitation or request from a boss, a colleague, or particularly a family member for fear of the possible drama that could in-sue? Yeah, me too.
Handling these awkward situations with courage and calm confidence is one of the most difficult skills to master. Although people talk about prioritizing those things that matter the most, few people actually do. And this is why this quote by Stephen Covey: “The main thing is to keep the main thing the main thing” resonates with me… as well as with my clients, friends, and probably you too.
Now I’m not getting judgy here. (And yes, I made up the word.) We have our reasons for fearing uttering that 2-letter word - no. Fear of missing out on that great career opportunity. Fear of conflict and confrontation. Fear of disappointing someone. So why is it hard to say no to someone? Well, we are human… and emotionally hard-wired to want to get along with others. For Ogg and Grog during Neanderthal times, tribal connection and membership were vital to survival. Collectively, they hunted, fished, and built shelters, for example, for literally their survival. In today’s world, although less literal, humans are designed to be collective and collaborative as a community. So going back to Stephen’s quote… how do we keep the main thing as the main thing in our everyday lives? We start by being honest with ourselves about what is truly most important. And it’s important to do this from a place of non-judgement rather than what those main things “should” be. Because if you are coming from a place of "should" or judgement, someone else is directing the narrative in your heart. For some, it’s making it to our kids’ soccer games. To others, it’s working that second job to make and save money for college, our kids college, that down-payment on a home or deposit on that new apartment across town. Now the main thing or main things can change over time... because frankly life happens. Main things (also know as priorities) can change when a new child comes into the family… or when you or someone close to you is facing a health challenge. Some main things are for a short stint like when you have family coming in for a short visit that you haven’t seen in a long time. When we have a grounded sense of clarity in our priorities and main things, somehow the Universe hears us and provides us with the know-how for dealing with the distractions. So how do we keep our main things our main things in our lives? Here are a few suggestions.
Do you have a clever quip or response to those trying to pull you away from your main things? Share it in the comments below. We can all benefit from an effective response... or just a good laugh. :) **Affiliate link of suggested reading... The Speed of Trust by Stephen Covey DID YOU ENJOY THIS POST?THEN STICK AROUND! Get email post updates and receive FREE handy dandy psychic tools for helping you navigate your life with greater clarity & confidence! Success! Now check your email to confirm your subscription.
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Psychic, Numerologist, & Psychic Development Instructor