Terri Weston
Psychic · Numerologist·
Intuitive Development Instructor
Intuitive Development Instructor
Navigate Life with Greater Clarity & Confidence
📞630-277-7758 ・📧 [email protected]
Imagine for a moment that you hear annoying sighs of a coworker who wants your attention as you frantically try to get your work done so you can leave work on time to pick up your kids from daycare without incurring a late pickup fee. Or others trying to manipulate your kindness such as taking credit for a group lab assignment of which you did most of the work. Or feeling worn down by others trying to (re)write the narrative of your life of how you should feel or be. Discover a by-the-numbers remedy.
Well, I’m not sure if my numerology student who reached out to me with her question was exactly dealing with all of the above… but my guess is at least one of those applied. However, the point is we souls encounter toxicity in the workplace, in our social circles, and within our closest most vulnerable relationships. It’s part of the human experience to move through and learn through the lessons planted on our life’s path… in numerology terms known as our destiny.
So let’s take a look at her question and my response…numerology style. Question![]()
Hi Terri,
I just wanted to ask you - As a single digit 9, referring to no specific type, what does this number indicate? Is it a 'good number’? For example, I wanted to purchase evil eye amulets for protecting myself and my space. So, how many number of beads would be appropriate to use? Is there a way I can decide on this? I have heard that number 9 is considered lucky. So, is using (9 in total) considered lucky? Please let me know. Thank you! Answer (my response)
It sounds like you want to apply numerology to certain objects as well as your environment. In a general sense, no one number is necessarily better or worse. Any number has favorable traits, as well as less favorable traits in terms of numerology. However, there are a couple of things to consider when applying numerology when it comes to one’s home or jewelry, for example:
(Personally) I would not be concerned with the quantity of amulets as the protective intention of 1 amulet is the same as for 9 if grouped together.
To learn how to discover your personal numbers and the environmental energies in your life, click on the course image below:
Energies - A Quick Reference Guide
Here are very general definitions of what I refer to as “intentional energies” that create a favorable energetic perfume of sorts for encouraging for dealing with specific situations. Now keep in mind that these do not necessarily remove the circumstance… rather encourage you in moving through the chaos and crossroads with greater clarity and confidence.
If you would like to learn more about this and other practical uses of numerology in your everyday life, then click here to check out my courses through the Psychic Learning Academy.
#selfcare #numerology #numerologymeaning
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Psychic, Numerologist, & Psychic Development Instructor