Terri Weston
Psychic · Numerologist·
Intuitive Development Instructor
Intuitive Development Instructor
Navigate Life with Greater Clarity & Confidence
📞630-277-7758 ・📧 [email protected]
“Beth”, one of my students, reached out to me sharing why she signed up for my numerology courses. Her experiences in the workplace had left her feeling lost and confused in terms of her purpose or calling as well as frustrated and misunderstood within her relationships with her coworkers. Been there? I know I have.
Her personal numerology blueprint (or Divine Design) provided clues into the whys of certain circumstances repeating themselves over and over: not heard or valued by the decision makers in the company, coworkers presenting her ideas as their own, being overlooked for promotions. However, she wanted to know if she could in some way alter her vibrational makeup (her numerology blueprint) to help energetically improve her circumstances.
Before we address Beth’s purposes and career challenges using Numerology, let’s start with a brief introductions to the hows, whats, and whys of numerology.
Starting with the Whys
All of us possess specific strengths that can help us handle life's circumstances. And numerology illuminates your strengths, as well as indicates areas of your life where shall we say you could benefit from a the talents of others.
Not a psychic? No worries. Regardless of your intuitive experience, numerology is an ancient, proven, intuitive by-the-numbers language that is easy to learn and a great tool for developing your psychic savvy. Unlike other intuitive tools that are more subjective, numerology provides by-the-numbers guidance that helps intuitive beginners to seasoned professionals feel more confident with their intuitive and instinctive insights for moving forward with clarity and confidence. And, by the way, you already experience numerology on a daily basis without even realizing it. The Whats
Although Numerology has been traced back to ancient societies including the Greeks, the Romans, and the Chinese, it was Pythagoras, the Greek mathematician and creator of the Pythagorean Theorem, founded Western or Pythagorean Numerology back in the sixth century BC.
He believed that at time of our birth, the specific and unique vibes of the heavens impact our life experiences and lessons. Through this vibrational code (your personal numerology blueprint), we learn how “in-tune” we are in how we live with our talents, our purpose(s), our careers, and our relationships. Speaking of “in-tune”, it was Pythagoras’ study of astronomy and the movement of planets that led to the early explanations of musical harmony… … But back to numerology. The How (It Works)
Numerology is based on the principle that everything has a vibration, especially human beings. That’s why when you meet someone for the first time, you may feel that instant familiarity or kinship. On the flip side, other folks may rub you the wrong way. It’s not necessarily what the person says or does, rather it’s the person’s vibe that does not resonate with you. You can feel drained in the person’s presence and not know why. It’s not about bad or good, right or wrong. It’s just likely that the person's energy is a challenge for you.
Each of us resonates a unique blend of energetic vibrations (also known as numbers and energies) found in our individual numerology blueprint. The problem is when we try to be what others want us to be rather than what we were Divinely designed to be, living out of tune and against our natural energetic and vibrational make-up. It is then we wonder why life does not work. This is when indecision sets in. When we jump from relationship to relationship, job to job, lacking focus and muting our calling and shout from our soul. When we are moving away from the vibrational blueprint of what we were designed to be…. which is what Beth was experiencing. Your personal numerology blueprint consists of 6 core numbers: three derived from the letters in your official birth name ( your destiny, soul, and personality numbers) and three from your date of birth (your life path, attitude, and birth day numbers). These are set and cannot be changed. However, your blueprint also includes a vibrations calculated from your daily or current name. Most times, this differs from the official birth name and can be changed over time due to marriage, career (a professional or stage name), or over time choosing a more mature nickname. And it is from this vibration known as your power number that you can “alter” your personal numerology blueprint. The How It Worked for Beth
Working with Beth, we started with the given that you cannot change your official birth name and date of birth... only your current name (which is used to calculate a person's power number).
Next, I encouraged her to take an honest look at her current name. Was she happy with it prior to taking this course? If she likes her current name but is concerned about vibrational compatibilities with regards to her career, she can do other things that "indirectly" adjust a person's current name energy without changing the name itself. It could be including a person's middle initial when signing documents or in an email address. (Beth Smith signs documents "Beth A. Smith" or changes her email address to "bethasmith @..." for example. If the middle initial is not of the desired vibrational outcome, Beth could change her email to "bethsmith2@..." We also took a closer look at her complete numerology blueprint as she may already have vibrational-wise what she needs. We identified the intensities (repeating numbers in one's profile) and looking at her life path number (regardless of her question). And we discussed how the vibration calculated from the current name could temper or enhance her core vibrations… thus impact her circumstances... thus help her make better decisions for not only her career but her life in general. By the way, Beth decided to maintain her current name for social introductions while changing her email address and business cards to include her middle initial. She’s feels more empowered by gaining insights into the origins of her accomplishments, conflicts, and challenges. Why some areas of her life flow with a more natural ease while others such as love, money, career, or relationships seem to provide greater challenges and repeated lessons. Why she’s attracted certain types of people or situations. And by identifying her innate strengths and weaknesses, learned how these have played out in her joys and struggles. But more importantly, she can now use numerology to help better her life…. even beyond her original career question.
If you would like to learn more about how this simple Do-It-Yourself guide to all that the easy art of numerology can reveal about your close friends, family, and (most importantly) yourself, then click here to check out my courses for furthering your intuitive development… by the numbers.
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Psychic, Numerologist, & Psychic Development Instructor